Installation on Aquatic Birds for the State Darwin Museum
Schools in Moscow rely heavily on the Darwin Museum to enhance their curriculum. So, the museum changes with the times to keep its young visitors interested. This way interactive installations have become integral parts of its exhibitions. This exposition dedicated to the physics of water birds diving mechanisms is no exception.
Since the installation is mainly aimed at younger students, United 3D Labs designers have chosen to go with 3D cartoon animation.
How to make such physical terms as fluid viscosity or the buoyancy force comprehensible for school children? That’s quite a challenge! We’ve solved it by creating vivid colorful images that attract attention; in addition, there is a simple and intuitive menu; plus, the installation is self-managed. The children were able to visually compare the features of different water birds, such as the density of their bodies, the ability to fly and effectively maneuver in water.
With a simple touch of the screen, you can start the animated process of underwater immersion and see what physical mechanisms affect it. Also, young visitors to the Museum can play an educational game and go fishing underwater together with different birds. Learn exciting new facts and have fun with the State Darwin Museum in Moscow!
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